Portable Steam Cleaner $26; 16Pc Mixing Bowl Set $24.88; 25 Note Bell Set $9.99; Free Leather Wallet; TimeLife Clearance Up to 75% Off
Hi, y'all! I am going to be flying to San Diego soon to visit some friends and family so I will be back in a day or so. For now, I will leave you with what I can find this morning. Also, the move to a new address is almost done so expect that coming soon, and please keep telling people about this site so that I can feel warm and fuzzy when I am typing these up...hehe. :}
Portable Super Steam Cleaner $26 Shipped
These are sooooooooo useful when you have kids around or pets. They're great at lifting up some messy little stains, especially in the car or anywhere else where you might have carpet. At $26, this is almost a necessity.
Portable Steam Cleaner
Wolfgang Puck Stainless Steel 16Pc Mixing Bowl -- $24.88
Super sturdy and great quality. I recommend these with a double thumbs up! Also, the smaller pieces are good for letting the kids bring to school for their bag lunches. James thinks it's super cool that his lunch container is a metal bowl...haha! :)
Mixing Bowl Set
LMI 25 Note Bell Set with Case -- $9.99(Orig. $32.50)
I think this is a cute present for a young child. I think Sarah will like this, because she loves music, and James will probably take a few swings at it too...LOL.
25 Note Bell Set
Free Leather Wallet from Glamour
When you purchase any of the featured items on this page Glamour will send you a free leather wallet when you provide them with the receipt. The instructions on how to get the free wallet are at the bottom of the page. I already bought one of these items before I found out about it so I guess free wallet for Vicky!
TimeLife Clearance -- Up to 75% Off
There are plenty of music and video selections to choose from...far too many to list here so it would be best if you just take a gander for yourself. ;) There is a classical music set for kids that might be interesting...I am not sure if Sarah or James would listen to it though. :P 15% off $75^ code: DSC934
100 Classics for Kids
Clearance Page
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