Vacuum Haircut Kit $22.18; 20% Off At; 92 Pampers Diapers $2.54; Personalized Kermit Plus $4.99; Emergency Torch $5
Remington HKVAC-2000 Precision Vacuum Haircut Kit -- $22.18
Nice, handy little thing! This is not a flowbee! This actually just vacuums up hair as you cut it. You can add a small filler item to get free shipping.
Remington HKVAC-2000 Precision Vacuum Haircut Kit
20% Off at
The coupon code is 925100000000 and expires on 1/22/06. Plenty of nice seasonal deals to be found on the site. For example, here is a down comforter for $40 + SH after the coupon code is applied.
Down Comforter
92 Pampers Baby Diapers for $2.54
This is dependent on your local Target having these on sale, because it's been confirmed by several people that if you buy a 92 pack of Pampers diapers, they ring up as $2.54 at checkout or at the scanners they have throughout the store. This is an AMAZING deal if this works out for you at your local store. Check it out!
Personalized Miss Piggy and Kermit Plush for V-Day $4.99 + SH
Might be a nice gift not just for V-day, but maybe even for the kiddies if you put a nice little note in the heart for them. A nice, personalized gift for anyone to have especially if they like the Muppets. Use code MICKEY10 to save an extra 10%.
Miss Piggy and Kermit Plush
Batteryless Emergecy Torch -- $5 Shipped
Shake it and it charges itself!! Good to have around the house especially since batteries are expensive...
Emergency Torch
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