Microfiber Sofa $200; Southwest Airfare Deals; Skagen Titanium Watch $56; 10 Pack LED Keychains $10; 2GB USB 2.0 Drive $70; Free Balance Bars
Sorry for the late post today! I ended up watching 40 Year Old Virgin with the hubby last night after the Amazon Friday Sale post. Funny movie! Don't watch it if you are easily offended though. ;}
Microfiber Sofa -- $199 + Shipping (YMMV)
Go to the site linked and enter you zip code, and then see if you get the $199 price and if they deliver to you. I couldn't get it in my area, but one of my relatives was able to get it in Oklahoma. Shipping for her was $50. Pretty durn cheap for a sofa. :}
Microfiber Sofa
Southwest Fares Deals
Southwest is having a big sale on airfares right now for travel between Feb 3rd and March 8th. You have to book at least seven days in advance and you must add the taxes to the price. Some fares are as low as $39.
Southwest Fares
Skagen Men's Titanium Watch $56 Shipped
This is a really nice watch. It is super light, and hubby used to have one but he lost it. I think I may get him this one to replace it. It's a really handsome looking watch!
Skagen Titanium Watch
10 Pack LED Light Keychains $10 Shipped
Surplus Computers is having these on sale right now, and these are super fun for the kids and really useful for the adults too. I love having it on my keychain so that I can shine some light when entering the car or house. Plus they are just fun to play with sometimes. :}
10 Pack LED Light Keychains
Memorex 2 GB 2nd Generation USB 2.0 Travel Drive -- $70 Shipped AR
The original price on this is $230. Amazon has it on sale right now for $95 plus there is a $25 rebate so it comes to $70 shipped. This is an amazing deal especially if you still haven't gotten one of these super usefull little things. :} You can put it on your new LED keychain! ;)
USB Drive
Walgreens Free Balance Trailmix Energy Bars
These are on sale for "Buy one get one free" and there is a coupon in the Easy Saver catalog, which can be found usually at the entrance of every Walgreens for $4 off of 4 of these. The way that they are priced, these end up being free!
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